Spring Tree Carousel
by Juergen Roth
Spring Tree Carousel
Juergen Roth
Photograph - Photography
Intentional camera movement photo fine art photography from the beautiful and inspiring Boston Arnold Arboretum in springtime.
I am always interested in capturing the day to day in an unusual different way. One technique that I frequently use is intentional camera movement. Intentional camera movement or ICM is a photographic effect where the camera is rotated or moved in a horizontal, diagonal or vertical direction while photographing a static object. The camera can be hand-held or mounted on a tripod when performing the actual camera movement. I usually prefer using my tripod for best photography results. The right combination of shutter speed, aperture setting and ISO setting will produce the desired blur and an artistic abstraction of the scenery. A long enough shutter speed combined with a smooth move of camera are key ingredients allowing the camera to paint the photographic object in its abstract form. There may be lots of trial and errors in the beginning and it may take a while to develop your own technique but it certainly provides you with unique set of photographs and lots of fun.
In this abstract photograph from the beautiful Boston Arnold Arboretum I placed the camera on my tripod pointing upwards towards the tree canap�. During the exposure I rotated the camera that resulted in this tree carousel like photography image. At ISO50, the aperture was set to f/8 resulting in 1/4 sec exposure times for the vibrant spring image.
Want to learn more >>> http://blog.juergenrothphotography.com/2011/09/mastering-art-of-icm-published-by.html
April 4th, 2009